Friday, July 30, 2010

Is Hypnosis a Better Way To Lose Weight?

Many people's views of hypnosis are often based on what they have seen on the TV rather than being based in reality. It is unfortunate that 'clinical hypnotherapy' and 'stage hypnosis' share the same name. Stage hypnosis is based on entertainment, suggestibility and illusion. An impression is thereby given that being hypnotised is an external state which is the opposite of what it really is, an internalised state. Therefore people can be wary of hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is a process that is aimed at helping to instil a superior form of physical and mental relaxation. Techniques are used by the practitioner that encourage the client to enter a "trance state" which bypasses the conscious mind and critical faculty. We unconsciously enter this state every day when driving a car, reading a book or when we become emotional. The difference is, hypnotherapy is a process which undertakes this state in a controlled setting. When in this state, hypnotherapy is able to realign feelings that stem form the subconscious to a more positive state and give an all-important edge when it comes to breaking habits. This is a powerful process that works with the right side of the brain. We therefore refer to it as "right brain coaching".

Whilst undergoing hypnotherapy, many clients may assume they are in a state of "sleep" and undergoing "therapy" both at the same time. In fact the word Hypnosis is derived from "hypnos", being the Greek term for sleep. James Braid coined "hypnosis" around 1840 from the Greeks who used "sleep temples" as far back as 4000 BC, and so "Relaxation of the conscious mind" would have been a more accurate description. Therefore the name hypnosis is really a misnomer.

Hypnotherapy has many uses, one of them being weight loss. Weight loss can be eternal. Unfortunately diets, or new re-cycled diets, work on a starvation principle of drastically reduced calories. Some work by eating solid protein, others by living off a boring liquid diet. None of them address the relationship to food, which is a lifetime one.

Diets slow down the metabolism. After 4 days the body shuts down and goes into starvation mode protecting the very calories you are trying to loose. When you start eating again the weight piles back on. This is due to the dieter having wrecked their metabolism.

Dieticians and so called experts do not tell you that the body likes and needs good old fat. It serves a useful propose. It supplies us with a food store in times of starvation and keeps us warm. The subconscious mind still acts as if we were in the cave. Diets do not address this in any way shape or form. The key is to work with the body. The body will accept weight loss of 2lbs a week. Any more is fluid and muscle tissue. If the weight is lost slowly, it will stay off. Therefore no more yo-yo effect.

Everybody knows what he or she should and should not eat. Unfortunately we live in an age where miracle diets offer absurd amounts of weight loss in a matter of days or weeks and this seems preferable to healthy eating. This, of course, does not work and can, in fact, do more harm than good. Hypnotherapy, however, can help people to lose weight permanently and healthily.

Hypnotherapy is a process where you work with the body and feel good about doing the things that you know you should be doing. Once you are into a rhythm the weight comes off slowly, naturally and safely. The final result being that the weight stays off. Psychologically you feel good as confidence in your ability to lose weight rises. You lose weight once not a hundred times!

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