Friday, July 30, 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar as a health remedy has been around for thousands of years. There are many claimed benefits of apple cider vinegar, the most captivating being weight loss. Differing opinions as to its effectiveness run wild. Some people declare they lost fifteen pounds by only taking apple cider vinegar and doing little else, while others claim that apple cider vinegar did nothing for them.

So how does this ancient diet work? It is not in reality a diet, so much as diet addition. It has been stated that apple cider vinegar decreases appetite and minimizes cravings. It has also been determined to reduce glucose levels, which means that it helps the body break down sugar. Sugar, when not burned by the body in the form of energy, is transferred into fat storage. It could be assumed that if apple cider vinegar reduces the body’s sugar level fat storage would be decreased.

It is recommended that drinking two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day before each meal will produce the desired results. While someone with an iron throat may be able to drink it straight, it is recommended that apple cider vinegar be diluted in water or juice. A bit of honey makes it potable and much more pleasant. Because it contains acetic acid which can damage the esophagus and teeth, consuming it properly is essential. Some people add baking soda to the mixture to reduce the acidity of the apple cider vinegar and the potential harm as it is goes down.

Using the right apple cider vinegar determines the most benefit. Processed, filtered Heinz brand vinegar does not contain the necessary ingredients and those who tried it seemed unsuccessful. Organic apple cider vinegar is the answer to this weight loss plan. Braggs raw, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar is considered the essential brand due to the “mother” it contains. According to the bottle, it occurs naturally as connected strand-like chains of protein enzyme molecules. To the regular person, that declaration doesn’t mean much, but according to those who have tried this diet, it is the determining factor.

Bragg’s can be found for less than five dollars at health stores. Apple cider vinegar pills can also be found at a health food store for considerably more money, if the taste of apple cider vinegar turns you off. It has been argued however, that the pill form of apple cider vinegar does not contain the active ingredients that organic apple cider vinegar does. Supplements are not monitored by the FDA, so consequently there is no guarantee as to what is actually in the apple cider vinegar pills compared to what the packaging states. This is fact for vitamins as well. Quality is mandatory when it comes to effective supplements and a bit of research helps ensure you get the quality you deserve. Pharmaceutical grade supplements contain what the packaging states as well as maintain a high level of quality.

Organic apple cider vinegar may boost your dieting efforts, but the other benefits of apple cider vinegar may also be appealing. Studies of apple cider vinegar have shown promising benefits to lowering blood sugar levels caused by diabetes, high cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and destroying cancer cells. Drinking apple cider vinegar also reduces or eliminates heart burn by providing acid in the stomach and sending signals to the brain that no more is needed. While there are low risks to trying this means of weight loss, if you have serious health concerns always discuss any changes to your diet with your doctor to avoid drug interactions.

Many people have combined apple cider vinegar with decreased food intake and increased physical activity. These changes are healthy and practical, however, it does pose the question of what triggered the weight loss, the vinegar or the lower calorie diet and exercise? There is no magic formula in the world that allows us to eat fried chicken, soda and chips to our hearts content and not gain weight. Discipline and common sense will always be at the forefront of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Apple cider vinegar may give you the boost you need to get started down that healthier path.

Ab Exercises Are Not The Solution To 6-Pack Abs

One of the most common fitness goals people have is to get a slimmer stomach and if possible, achieve a kind of "six pack abs" appearance to their middle section. Most people, unfortunately, struggle for years without ever achieving this goal.

Actually, I see so many people waste a great deal of their time on worthless abs exercises, and falling into the trap of every gimmick product bursting onto the TV screen promising them things like "getting a 6-pack in only 2 minutes a day while sitting on their couch."

Honestly, seeing so many people over the years waste their hard earned money on all of these worthless ab gadgets, machines, and fake fat loss pills was really disturbing.

So what is the truth? The truth is that people are looking in the wrong direction to achieve this goal... abs exercises are NOT the answer to six pack abs! Sounds ridiculous, yes. In fact, ab-specific exercises are the LEAST important training aspect in getting a six pack.

Most people think there must be some magical "underground" abs exercise that is going to finally get them their six-pack after years of struggling. The real solution to seeing a visible six-pack is simply bringing your body fat percentage down to a low enough level to where the abs become visible. Most people already have a six pack hiding underneath their stomach fat and don't know it. This is generally about 10% body fat or lower for men, and about 16-18% body fat for women based on experience.

You know, even some 7-year olds have six pack abs! Think they got that by doing "abs exercises"? Of course not! They have those 6-pack abs because their body fat percentage is extremely low since they are active and running around playing all day long at their age.

In conclusion, the most important aspect to getting visible abs is actually a properly designed full body training program, combined with good nutrition that can be maintained for life (instead of a short-term gimmick diet).

Exercises To Do At Home Or Office

These workouts can be done at home or even in your office. With this workout plan, you can work out for just a couple minutes at a time, several times throughout each day, 5 days/week.

This consists of only bodyweight exercises done for about 2-3 minutes, 6-8 times per day, throughout each day. Now obviously if you work a normal office job, you are going to have to not be shy about doing a few exercises in your office and having your cube-mates watch you. Actually, even some people that have tried this have actually gotten their co-workers to join them.

If you work from home, or are a stay at home mom, there's no reason you can't fit these in throughout the day while at home. If you end up having a busy day with meetings and so forth, and can only fit a couple of these 2-minute workouts in, then so be it, but try to get as many done each day as you can.

If you're on a normal 9-5 office schedule, I recommend doing your 2-minute workouts every hour, on the hour, with the exception of lunch. Try doing these at 9am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm.

Some of the bodyweight exercises that are the best to focus on are:

* bodyweight squats (and variations)

* pushups (and variations)

* forward, reverse, or walking lunges

* up & down a staircase if one is available

* floor planks (holding the plank position from forearms and feet)

* floor abs exercises such as lying leg thrusts, ab bicycles, etc.

* one-legged bodyweight Romanian deadlifts

This list is not fully comprehensive, but I wanted to keep it relatively simple. If you know other good bodyweight exercises, you can add those to your routine also. If you want to keep it real simple and don't want to get down on the floor for anything, you can stick to squats, lunges, and pushups and still get great results.

Ways To Ensure That You Are Practicing Safe Exercises While Pregnant

The fact that you are pregnant does not mean that you should let yourself go and chalk it up to your pregnancy. On the contrary this should be a time when moderate exercises and you would go together like hands in gloves. If you make it a habit now to exercise lightly, you will be rewarded throughout the duration of your pregnancy term and also afterwards when because your body will bounce back faster. Moderate exercise routines focuses your mind on energy and keeping fit and not on weight gain and accumulating fat. This article will discuss 11 ways to successfully perform pregnancy exercises.

1. To ensure that you are on the right path, you should always consult with your health care provider before embarking upon any physical activity like exercises.

2. With some little modifications, you could actually continue performing your normal activities which you engaged in before becoming pregnant especially if you used to be the active kind.

3. The aim of moderate exercises is engaging in exercises that do not impact your body stressfully. Examples of these include, but are not limited to, the following; swimming, walking, stationary cycling, water aerobics, yoga, tai chi, and so on. If you choose walking as the moderate exercise to engage in, you should endeavor to wear shoes that have soft soles or that are cushioned.

4. The fact they are called moderate does not indicate that they can be indulged in without rest. On the contrary, you need to target an average of three sessions per week and include days that you will lay off the exercise (rest days).

5. You should always take care not to overdo it. You should try not to become too exhausted. The whole aim of this exercise is to feel refreshed and not to be drained of all energy and vitality. Remember that you've got quite a lot on your plate as it is.

6. You need to drink a lot of water now that you are exercising so much. Ensure that you regulate you temperature too; you should avoid getting too hot and try to remain hydrated.

7. Dress sensibly; be comfy at all time. You should stick to clothes that are loose-fitting and comfortable, especially when you exercise. This will allow the flow of blood around your body to be uninhibited.

8. Forget about record-breaking notions and such. Now is not the time for you to attempt setting personal bests. Simply adhere to a repetitive routine; you are not in any competition - remind yourself of that constantly.

9. If you are into jogging or aerobics, you should note that as your pregnancy progresses, your center of gravity will change. So, you will need to adjust to remain on your feet and not keep tripping or toppling over or (realistically) straining particular parts of your body due to lack of compensation.

10. Once your first trimester is over, do not engage in any exercise routines that require you to lie flat on your back any longer.

11. You should endeavor to find facilities in your area that are provide exercise classes and are specific or well suited for moms-to-be.

Are Your Ab-Exercises Increasing your Waistline?

Working your abdominals to get a tighter midsection is nothing new. Hopefully you are fully aware that working the muscles themselves won’t take any fat of your tummy and if not, now you know. Most people who just want the six-pack to show would do better training abs less and spend more time fine-tuning their diet to get the body fat percentage low enough to make them visible. But that is not what this article is going to be about. Instead I want to go through how certain abdominal exercises in your personal training routine can actually give you a wider and more protruding midsection, which is not likely to be why you began strengthening your abdominals. However, there is nothing wrong with the exercises discussed below, but today we are talking pure aesthetics.

The three muscles I’ll refer to in this are rectus abdominis (the six-pack), external obliques and internal obliques. Rectus abdominis run from your pubic region up to the base of your sternum, while your internal and external obliques run diagonally down toward your hip and up toward your sternum from your sides (around navel height). For building our six-pack we often use exercises such as crunches in all different shapes or forms and for the obliques we often do crunches with twists or bend our upper body side-ways. Doing these exercises with weights or with enough frequency and intensity can cause muscle hypertrophy, which just means muscle growth. If you have a little covering your six-pack, adding significant muscle bulk without losing the fat, will make your tummy protrude even more. And adding bulk to your internal and external obliques will cause your midsection to widen, and if you want it as narrow as your genes allow you do, this is not optimal.

To get your midsection tiny and trim, you need to reduce your body fat levels – nothing else will work. But if you want to strengthen it (which you should) to also make it physically firmer, look to held abdominal and core exercises. The simplest variation is the plank (can also be called a hover) and it can also be done both flat and on your side to target either your front or your sides. So, avoid adding weights to your abdominal and oblique exercises, and keep your eating clean and spot on. You could even build your gluteus muscles (bum muscle) or widen your shoulders slightly to make your waist appear smaller.

Are You Using Safe Weight Loss Pills To Lose Weight?

People everyday try ot lose weight. Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet are very important to losing weight and keeping it off. However, there are also many safe weight loss pills that can be used to make losing weight easier.

You have to be careful with the weight loss pills that are available these days because not all of them are safe. It is essential to make sure you are only taking pills that are safe and not ones that will cause you more problems.

When trying to decide if a particular weight loss pill is safe to take or not there are some important things that you need to look for. So you can make a safe decision about taking safe pills for easier weight loss here are the most important things to watch for.

One: Ingredients that are clinically proven - You have to ensure that the ingredients used in the pill have been clinically proven to be effective for weight loss. To make sure that the product works like they claim it will this process includes clinical trials run by the makers.

Two: Ingredients list - To make sure there are none that will have bad side effects for you you want to look at the ingredients that are used in the pills. The best types of pills to use are the ones that are all natural but there are ones available that are not all natural that will work effectively like they claim.

Before making your final decision about which ones to use you have should take time to do research on the ingredients used in different weight loss pills.

Three: Side effects - Different pills will have different side effects depending on the ingredients that are used in them. You have to know what the side effects are for each of the weight loss pills that you are interested in using.

This is imperative because you want them to help you lose weight without any side effects that would side track your weight loss efforts.

Now that you know what to look for you can easily decide what pills are safe weight loss pills and which are not.

Before making the decision to take any weight loss pills be sure to take your time and do some research. This is the only way to achieve your weight loss goals and still make sure you stay safe.

Is Hypnosis a Better Way To Lose Weight?

Many people's views of hypnosis are often based on what they have seen on the TV rather than being based in reality. It is unfortunate that 'clinical hypnotherapy' and 'stage hypnosis' share the same name. Stage hypnosis is based on entertainment, suggestibility and illusion. An impression is thereby given that being hypnotised is an external state which is the opposite of what it really is, an internalised state. Therefore people can be wary of hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is a process that is aimed at helping to instil a superior form of physical and mental relaxation. Techniques are used by the practitioner that encourage the client to enter a "trance state" which bypasses the conscious mind and critical faculty. We unconsciously enter this state every day when driving a car, reading a book or when we become emotional. The difference is, hypnotherapy is a process which undertakes this state in a controlled setting. When in this state, hypnotherapy is able to realign feelings that stem form the subconscious to a more positive state and give an all-important edge when it comes to breaking habits. This is a powerful process that works with the right side of the brain. We therefore refer to it as "right brain coaching".

Whilst undergoing hypnotherapy, many clients may assume they are in a state of "sleep" and undergoing "therapy" both at the same time. In fact the word Hypnosis is derived from "hypnos", being the Greek term for sleep. James Braid coined "hypnosis" around 1840 from the Greeks who used "sleep temples" as far back as 4000 BC, and so "Relaxation of the conscious mind" would have been a more accurate description. Therefore the name hypnosis is really a misnomer.

Hypnotherapy has many uses, one of them being weight loss. Weight loss can be eternal. Unfortunately diets, or new re-cycled diets, work on a starvation principle of drastically reduced calories. Some work by eating solid protein, others by living off a boring liquid diet. None of them address the relationship to food, which is a lifetime one.

Diets slow down the metabolism. After 4 days the body shuts down and goes into starvation mode protecting the very calories you are trying to loose. When you start eating again the weight piles back on. This is due to the dieter having wrecked their metabolism.

Dieticians and so called experts do not tell you that the body likes and needs good old fat. It serves a useful propose. It supplies us with a food store in times of starvation and keeps us warm. The subconscious mind still acts as if we were in the cave. Diets do not address this in any way shape or form. The key is to work with the body. The body will accept weight loss of 2lbs a week. Any more is fluid and muscle tissue. If the weight is lost slowly, it will stay off. Therefore no more yo-yo effect.

Everybody knows what he or she should and should not eat. Unfortunately we live in an age where miracle diets offer absurd amounts of weight loss in a matter of days or weeks and this seems preferable to healthy eating. This, of course, does not work and can, in fact, do more harm than good. Hypnotherapy, however, can help people to lose weight permanently and healthily.

Hypnotherapy is a process where you work with the body and feel good about doing the things that you know you should be doing. Once you are into a rhythm the weight comes off slowly, naturally and safely. The final result being that the weight stays off. Psychologically you feel good as confidence in your ability to lose weight rises. You lose weight once not a hundred times!

How Can I Lose Weight - and Keep it Off Forever!

Following fad diets is not the answer if you are planning to keep the weight off.

Fad diets have one thing in common, they are all diets.

A pair of bell-bottom pants, in today and out tomorrow. For a few years these diets are popular and then they are out of style. Then, what happens, after a while they come back like a vicious circle when the fitness professionals feel that we are ready to start up with them again. If you really want to burn body fat and lose weight steer clear of the fad diets.

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In the first days of a fad diet several of you will lose some weight. So you get some weight loss initially, but you might also lose some muscle on these diets too. Your fat burning efforts and overall health could suffer if you lose muscle.

But the most discouraging part of fad diets is that practically all people who use these diets will gain the weight back, and then even more. Has this happened to you?

The most crucial question is, how can I keep the weight off?

One reason is the fad diets frequently advise focusing too much on one type of food, like non-carbohydrate foods (meat and dairy only) or only carbohydrate foods (fruits and vegetables only). If you want unhealthy eating habits, this type of diet will take you there.

You are greatly reducing the number of vitamins and minerals you eat when you just eat foods from one catagory. Limiting yourself of the essential vitamins and minerals that your body requires will lead to poor health and more health problems.

It is said that variety is the spice of life, and to have variety in the nutritious foods that we eat is also needed for good health.

Fad diets are too restrictive to be realistically followed, especially for a lengthy period of time. They are not only unhealthy but these diets are also very difficult to stay on because they take away many of our favorite foods. If you desire to lose weight over a lengthy period of time, then do not go on a strict restrictive diet.

If you want life long weight loss and weight stabilization the solution is behavioral changes in your eating habits.

The very idea of this kind of fad diet just will not work. Why? Diets are based in a temporary mindset. The fact that someone goes on a diet means they will have to come off of the diet. This is temporary…why force yourself to lose 10 pounds when you're just going to gain it back and then even more when you go off of the diet?

A lot of people just don't comprehend this, even though it may sound simple. A lot of individuals turn to dieting in an attempt to resolve their weight and health issues. These fad diets are not the answer as they just lead to more problems. People who are regular dieters don't burn fat over the long haul and many times will gain more weight back than they lost on the diet.

To answer the question how can I keep the weight off, it is important for you to seek life long fat burning, health and fitness in a lean body, you should take some advice from my mom, and probably your mom too.

When I think about it, probably the best base of nutritional knowledge I received was from my mom. For the most part, my mom was right. She didn't know anything about fat burning, but she made sure I got nutritious foods growing up.

She especially made a point to make sure I ate my vegetables, mainly the green ones. She limited sugary stuff and other junk, but didn't totally eliminate it, making it a special treat for me on occasion. During the day she would give me food from different food groups making sure that I got a good healthy balance from each group.

Thank you, Mom! Mom's diet was actually quite sound, and I've found that heeding some of this advice in the pursuit of maximum body fat burning and a lean healthy body for the rest of your life is a smart way to go.

You see your body naturally craves foods rich in nutrients, (antioxidants, phyto nutrients (plant), fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc.) When you eat most of your meals from foods rich in important nutrients, your body will be satisfied and overeating will no longer be much of a concern.

As a result of eating wholesome foods you will go into a fat burning phase as a natural result of giving your body what it thrives on and needs to be healthy. As a result you will be lowering your risk of disease by promoting a natural alkaline environment in your body when you eat these types of foods.

When you find that you are eating and eating and never seem satisfied then recognize that this is your body telling you that you are not getting the nutrients that your body needs. These are fast food, foods high in fat, high sugar foods, etc that are low in nutrition. This means you will be taking in too many calories.

When you eat excess calories you will continue to gain weight, you will become fatter and you will be more likely to contract the diseases that are related to being overweight. Your body will have an acidic environment, which is an additional risk of disease when you gain weight and fat. You can forget about burning fat when this happens.

Nutrition to control your weight, fitness, and health all work together for your benefit. My Fat Burning Furnace students have changed their lives permanently, by simply altering what they put in their bodies…and you can do it to.

establish an eating program of foods high in nutrients. In part two of this article, I'll get more specific in helping you make the transition from your current lifestyle to the one you desire. This plan will have you burning calories 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

One of the most significant points to remember in healthy eating is to eat from all of the food groups with a lot of variety and eat them regularly.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rapid Weight Loss Through Detox

"Detox" is a process of detoxifying your body. In essence, you will be ridding your body of unwanted and harmful toxins. This process is also referred to as a 'cleanse' or a 'colon cleanse'. It is something we should do annually.

Most detox or cleanse diets are water-based, meaning that you can drink as much water as you desire for a specified period (usually 5-10 days). Some allow you to put lemon juice into the water to aid the process. And some allow for some citrus fruit. But just about all of them stress the need to start with a fast.

Here is a great detox regimen. Use a water fast for the first 24-48 hours. Most people have trouble going without and food for much longer than that. On the third day, begin to eat grapefruit for my meals. One grapefruit per meal. This helps to get over the 'starving' feeling and also allow you to get the energy you need to continue exercising. I know many people that can do a water fast for a lot longer and they all claim to have enough energy to remain active. Most will begin to add a little lemon juice to their water after 48 hours. The acids in citrus fruit help the elimination process. And this is what you want. You are eliminating the toxins in your colon. Continue your water/grapefruit cleanse for 5-10 days. You can try and go as long as you can, additional days will produce a better cleanse. But never go past 10 days.

There are many supplements out there that will do a very good job of helping you detox. And even some of these allow you to eat a somewhat regular diet during the process. I recommend this method if you find the thought of existing on water and grapefruit for 5-10 days to be too tedious.

Once you have completed your personal detox/cleanse diet, it is important that you do not start feasting right away. It is best to introduce foods back into your system in a controlled manner. A normal course of action is to eat another type of fruit that first day off the cleanse. Then you can slowly introduce vegetables back into your diet, perhaps in the form of a salad on the second day. You can stick with two or three days of nothing but fruit and vegetables before beginning to have 'meals' again. And that's it. Following this will rid your body of the unwanted toxins in your system and allow you to lose weight in the process!

Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss?

Can losing sleep cause you to gain excess weight? The answer: absolutely yes! Many people haven't realized the health implications of sleep deprivation. It could even hinder fat loss efforts.

How does sleep deprivation affect your weight loss efforts?

Here are just a few reasons why:

1. When you’re tired, it is so much harder to make healthy choices. This could be both psychological and physiological. When someone gets a good night’s sleep, sticking to regular exercise and healthy eating routine is a snap. But when sleep deprivation comes into play, that same person may think that chocolate and sugar will make them feel better. But, it never does! Worse than that, they could be more tired and cranky because the blood sugar highs and lows.

2. Here's where the science comes in. Several separate studies have shown a link between sleep and the hormones that influence our eating behavior. Two specific hormones are involved. Ghrelin is responsible for feelings of hunger. Leptin tells the brain when it’s time to stop. When you’re sleep deprived, your ghrelin levels increase at the same time that your leptin levels decrease. The result is an increased craving for food and not feeling full (a hormone disaster). Nothing is worse than craving food and being hungry at the same time.

3. A lot of people may not know this, but your body adjusts itself based on your circadian rhythms and the amount of sunlight outside. Without getting too deep into the science, these rhythms and light tell your body to physically recover approximately between the hours of 10pm-2am and to mentally recover approximately between 2am-6am. If you aren’t getting to bed until 12am, you are missing out on 2 crucial hours of physical repair. This can result in all sorts of aches and pains that do not get better, no matter what you try. You could even relieve backaches and hurting joints by just getting to bed by 10pm.

What actions will you take to get a good night’s sleep so you won't be sabotaging your weight loss efforts?

Check out these few tips:

1. Don’t watch TV before bed. This works wonders by reading a book, especially a good fiction book that will help you forget the day’s events.

2. Cut your caffeine intake early in the day, which includes all coffee and teas (except herbal teas).

3. Avoid sugar before bed. It could potentially wake you up in the middle of the night due to a blood sugar low.

4. Put your work away before bed. There is nothing worse than a racing mind before bed. End all work at least 2 hours before bed. If this is not possible for you, reassess your work schedule a bit.

Whatever adjustments you make, remember, sleep may just be the missing link in your nutrition, exercise and health program. Implementing these insights would take you well on your way to fat loss success.

Is Fish Oil a Great Source For Weight Loss?

Something that is becoming increasingly popular is taking DHA omega 3 fish oil for weight loss, but is this an effective method of helping to keep your weight under control? When people finally make the decision to cut unhealthy foods from their diet in an effort to improve their health, the list of rejected foods usually includes those high in calories, carbohydrates, and fats. Not all fats are bad for you.

You will of course want to significantly lower the amount of saturated fats in your diet, because these fats have been found to have a significant negative impact on your health. Many people believe that saturated fats are what cause some forms of cardiovascular disease, but there is no statistically significant evidence of that other than that they cause a rise in cholesterol levels. There is evidence that polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acids do dramatically lower the risk of heart disease however.

When deciding to alter your diet to include omega 3 fish oil for weight loss, you should also be aware of the positive effect that high levels of DHA and EPA omega fatty acids have when it comes to hormone driven cancers. It seems that by partaking in the daily consumption of an omega 3 fish oil dietary supplement you can dramatically lower your risk of developing breast and prostate cancer.

High levels of monounsaturated fats, omega 6 polyunsaturated fats, and myristic and palmitic saturated fatty acids have been found to have a direct relationship with the development of breast and prostate cancer. A high saturated fat intake is also known to cause small intestine cancer. Cutting back on saturated fats in order to avoid physical maladies like these is far more important than doing it to lose weight.

I will get into the effectiveness of DHA omega 3 fish oil for weight loss as soon as I explain to you that these essential nutrients can in fact prevent the formation of virtually all inflammatory diseases. Supplementing the diet with DHA rich fish oil capsules can also significantly improve the quality of life of someone who already suffers from these common inflammatory ailments. Even if you don’t need to lose weight you can still benefit greatly by consuming a high quality fish oil supplement every day.

The evidence behind taking fish oil for weight loss is that DHA and EPA omega fatty acids activate the enzymes responsible for burning fat. When your intake of dietary omega 3 supplements is combined with exercise intended to increase your oxygen intake, your metabolism skyrockets. Studies have shown that the improvement in fat oxidation and metabolic rate in people supplementing their diet with fish oil allowed them to burn 26% more fat over the course of a three week trial than people that tried exercise alone.

Make no mistake about it. The benefits of taking fish oil for weight loss are fairly conclusive, and the protection from common inflammatory diseases these nutrients give you has been thoroughly substantiated. There are simply too many positives that come from supplementing the diet with DHA and EPA fatty acids for you to go another day without fish oil.

Fitness Training: Learn To Love Your Weight Loss Journey (or Lose The Race)

I can tell you right now, that if you are not looking forward to making that lifestyle change or the road to get there, you will fail. Little in life is really just about the outcome. When you decide to buy that car that you have been dreaming about on for weeks, months or even years; a lot goes into that experience. All the times you’ve been scanning brochures, researched it on the internet, customised it online, test-driven it, enquired about it, imagined it, talked about, dreamt (or even fantasised about it), putting money away, looking forward to the day you’d buy it, going through motions with the dealer, exchanging pleasantries while acting hard to get (even though you have already made up your mind), deciding on the customisation (even though you’ve known what you wanted for months), picking the right colour, signing the papers, driving it home, showing it off to your friends… and the list goes on.

Just snapping your fingers and having that car today would be great, indeed, but it would take away all the satisfaction and exhilaration involved with buying the car in the first place; everything that will make you really treasure owning it. Your weight loss journey can be like that, and if you make it out to be you’ll soon care less about the outcome, because you know that you will get there, just like you know that putting away X dollars each month will eventually get you that car. And once you have that confidence in your ability you will find that a lot of stress, worry and anxiety will be simply stripped of your body, like fat literally melts away through effective fitness training. You can also look forward to the positive reinforcements you will get all through your journey to compound off of each other, leaving you with an unstoppable positive spiral and energy high. So, let’s get excited about the journey and I can assure you that it will be a much more pleasurabl!

e experience and something you will actually stick with. You are the only one who knows what motivates you, so fill your mind with images and emotions illustrating just that. And don’t just do it on the days you may find yourself discouraged, do it every day and make it next to impossible for negative thinking to find you. You’ll have a ball, and when times do get tough, you will be tougher!

Coconut Oil & Weight Loss

How does coconut oil relate to weight loss? "Eating whatever oils will make you fat" is the common belief for the general public. But coconut oil is different, despite its 92% saturated fat content.

Saturated fat from animals and some vegetable sources (like soybean oil, peanut oil etc) belongs to the long-chain structure which makes it difficult for your body to break down. So, normally most of this long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) or long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) will end up in your fat cells easily. That's why heavy meat-eaters or even vegetarians who eat foods fried with those oils gain weight so much easily than those who eat more whole fruits and vegetables.

What about the saturated fat in coconut oil? About 50 - 60% of its saturated fat comes from the medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) family, which when consume, can easily be broken down and converted to energy to fuel your bodily functions and activities, instead of getting deposited in your fat storage.

Because it gives a power boost to your energy level, you tend to move more and hence, you'll burn more calories than you normally would. The end result is, weight loss. But the weight loss benefits of coconut oil don't stop there. Its thermogenic effect encourages the burning of long-chain fatty acids storing in your fat deposits as well.

As Dr. Julian Whitaker, a well-known authority on nutrition and health, says, "LCTs are like heavy wet logs that you put on a small campfire. Keep adding the logs, and soon you have more logs than fire. MCTs are like rolled-up newspaper soaked in gasoline. They not only burn brightly, but will burn up the wet logs as well."

You'll experience more weight loss effect with coconut oil due to its fat-burning fat. It does sound strange to eating a dietary fat to burn more body fat, but that's what happens to eating coconut oil. You can get a small bottle of virgin coconut oil to try out for 2 weeks and see how it promotes weight loss and reduces your waistline. (There are few different types of coconut oil, but I highly recommend virgin coconut oil for both health benefits and effective weight loss.)

I've been taking coconut oil for about 2 years and I use it as an additional energy booster before my workout sessions, and also to help maintain my ideal weight. But I'm not the only one gaining this dramatic weight loss benefit from coconut oil, thousand others are gaining from it. So, you just can't lose when eating coconut oil for weight loss. Enjoy.

Exercise Tips for Vegetarian Weight Loss

To lose weight effectively as a vegetarian, eating a right vegetarian weight loss diet is not sufficient. You should factor in exercises to achieve more rewarding fat loss results. But you can't just do any workouts or do anytime if you want to get the most fat-burning response out of exercising. Check out these 7 exercise tips and you'll begin shedding unwanted excess body fat all day long - 24 hours round the clockwork.

Exercise Tip 1 - Interval Training

Do short burst interval training such that you'll transition between hard and easy exercise with active rest in between. Not cardio. Steady-state cardio only burns fat during the exercise bout while interval training will continue to burn fat throughout the day. (Interval training works extremely well for vegetarians who take up a nutrient-packed vegetarian weight loss diet because such diet will fuel your body with plenty of energy to help you sustain the short-burst exercises.)

Exercise Tip 2 - Metabolism Booster

Boost your metabolism to an all-time high with bodyweight exercises. Don't waste time doing many reps of exercises with those little dumbbells which only maintains a slow, steady state of metabolism.

Exercise Tip 3 - Ab Flattener

All pros know that crunches do not work on burning belly fat. So, do total body ab exercises like Stability Ball Jackknives, Side Planks, Cross-Body Mountain Climbers, and Stability Ball Rollouts, etc. You'll get rid of your stubborn belly fat faster. Again, a quality detoxifying vegetarian weight loss diet which helps to remove toxins from your belly fat and cleanse your body will help you achieve optimal belly fat loss.

Exercise Tip 4 - Best Time to Exercise

Morning is the best time to burn more fat. But if you can't work out in the morning due to shift work or odd working hours, never mind, other timings will still help you burn fat, albeit slightly lesser.

Exercise Tip 5 - Eating for Energy

You can work out before breakfast if you don't feel hungry or feel slightly hungry only. But it's best to take 2- 3 whole grain crackers or 2 slices of wholegrain bread (as light snack) 30 minutes before you exercise since most of the energy you got from dinner the night before could've been used up by the following morning, and you need some fuel to power your workouts in the morning.

Exercise Tip 6 - Eating for Recovery

Eat a nutrient-dense vegetarian meal that contains both protein and carbohydrate within 2 hours after your workouts to help your muscle recover and restore your glycogen loss.

Exercise Tip 7 - Proper Hydration Techniques

Don't drink too much water before exercise. Just consume enough for hydration purpose. During active rest in your interval training, take small sips of water to quench your thirst. Even right after the regimen, take small sips. Increase your water consumption only 30 minutes after the regimen.

Note: Your exercises will help you lose weight with minimum effort only when your body receives vital nutrients via a quality vegetarian weight loss diet.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet

What constitutes an effective vegetarian weight loss diet? It's not just about the ingredients inside the diet that help you lose weight, but also the number of meals you should eat in a day.

I recommend five meals a day as a complete vegetarian weight loss diet in which two snacks are slotted in between each pair of main meals. Let's take a look at a free sample diet so you can get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet - Meal Set 1

Breakfast: Rolled oats soaked in unsweetened apple juice, sprinkled with strawberries, blueberries and pine nuts. Boost your power meal with a veggie smoothie made from one celery stalk, one pear and two tomatoes added with virgin coconut oil and milled flax.

Morning Snack: Mixed fresh fruits containing honeydew, dragon fruit and kiwi.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet - Meal Set 2

Lunch: Portobello mushroom burger. Prepare one pan-seared Portobello mushroom (of 10 cm or 4 inches in diameter). Top the mushroom with shredded julienne cucumbers, shredded beet, alfalfa sprouts and juicy cherry tomatoes. And then sandwich this filling between two slices of wholegrain breads. You can spice up the burger with curried lentils sauce. Pair this mouthwatering veggie burger with a glass of unsweetened organic oat milk.

Afternoon Snack: Mixture of dried cranberries, cashew nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, macadamia nuts and almond nuts.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet - Meal Set 3

Dinner: Rainbow salad. Mix together chopped apple, sliced green, red and orange bell peppers, shredded beet, butterhead lettuce, some dried fruits and your favorite pasta cooked al dente. For dressing, I recommend mixing two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil with one tablespoon of protein powder and one teaspoon of lemon juice.

Notice that meal sets 1 and 2 each comes with a snack but not meal set 3. Your metabolism tends to run slower at night. So, you don't need additional snack to power you up. Since your dinner is packed with fiber, it should last you till the following morning without you having to take any supper.

Now you've gotten a free sample of my vegetarian weight loss diet. But you should avoid eating the same old stuff or you can easily hit a weight loss plateau, which happens to many overweight vegetarians. Also, the way you eat your diet plays a vital role in losing weight too. That's why you need a proper vegetarian weight loss plan which includes practical yet healthy dieting tips that you can apply easily and get lasting results without rebound effect.

Trying to Lose Weight?

Like many people everyday you are probably struggling with your goal of trying to lose weight. You might be considering going on a diet plan or adapting a rigorous work out plan, but don't know where to begin. First, you need to make sure that going on a diet is the best thing for you. Many people are just so consumed with the idea of being a certain size; they neglect to make sure that their bodies are receiving the nutrients necessary to sustain its health.

So, when deciding whether or not to begin a diet; there are many things to consider. Because there are so many diets to consider it can be difficult to know which is best for you. The first thing you should do, before considering any diet, is make sure your body is going to be receiving the vitamin and minerals necessary to carry you throughout the day. You might benefit from simply eating healthier meals and adding a regular exercise routine.

However, if you would like to embark on a diet, make sure you take a vitamin and mineral supplement to replace any that might be lost during the day. To give you a few ideas of the different diet plans that could possibly keep you from losing the weight you desire or hopefully improve your weight loss results; here are a few of the most familiar people seem to attract to when considering a diet.

First, there is the low calorie diet plan, that many individuals flock to the most and seek the results their after but rarely find them. This low calorie diet plan will more than likely do more harm than good to your body. When embarking on a low calorie diet plan you're basically slowing down your body's fat burning capabilities. Once your body's fat burning capabilities have slowed down you're not able to lose the weight you desire because you can't burn it off.

I am not saying that you won't lose any weight with the low calorie diet plan. But I am saying that you will probably find yourself losing a few pounds in those first few days then suddenly you're unable to see any more shedding of those pounds. Know you'll never get those pounds off by starving yourself.

Second popular diet, I am sure you've heard of it maybe even tried it, a low carb diet. Although, this system has its benefits when trying to lose weight the average dieters often find that this diet plan is very difficult to follow because it is so regimented. Often times, low carb dieters find themselves running low on energy. As a result, it ends as a failed weight loss attempt. There are more ways to fail at losing the weight you desire to lose.

Losing weight is simple, increase your metabolism. You can start by:

· Eating smaller, healthier meals.

· Don't starve yourself! (You will never lose any weight, instead you'll be losing those must have nutrients.)

· Exercise (a simple yet effective routine will do)

· Drink plenty of water (preferably 6 to 8 glasses)

· Eat plenty fruits and vegetables.

Once you've increased your metabolism, over time, you'll see the pounds beginning to shed. Don't get discouraged this is a process and it is going to take some time.